AWS | Certified Solutions Architect Associate
Now that the Certified Cloud Practitioner exam is passed it’s on to the next one and I will keep adding useful information on this post.
White Papers:
Useful Links:
- Instance Metadata and User Data
- New! Attach an AWS IAM Role to an Existing Amazon EC2 Instance by Using the AWS CLI
- Easily Replace or Attach an IAM Role to an Existing EC2 Instance by Using the EC2 Console
- AWS Storage Types – S3, EFS, & EBS
- The key-value database defined
- Databases on AWS
- VPC and Subnet Sizing
- NAT Instance (Being depreciated)
- AWS VPC Ephemeral Ports
- SSH Agent Forwarding
- Registered Instances for Your Classic Load Balancer
- What Is Elastic Load Balancing?
- Controlling Access to Your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Resources
- AWS Quick Starts
- The Netflix Simian Army
- How Amazon SQS Works
- Amazon API Gateway REST API
- Audio (Developer)
- Compare AWS Support Plans